Friday, March 13, 2009

My Top 5 Favorite Movies...

1) The Princess Bride. I know this is the most cheesy movie ever, but it is my favorite! You cannot watch this movie and not love it. It is very good if you actually watch it.

2) Pride and Prejudice. This movie is SO good. I don't know of anybody who has watched this movie and not liked it. It has such a cute storyline. This movie is almost the best movie ever made.

3) Titanic. This movie is so good. I don't know of anybody who has hated this one either. It always makes me want to cry at the very end when Jack dies for Rose...

4) Bride Wars. I know this movie hasn't come out yet, but I still love it! It is so funny. Those are the best kind of movies, funny. I can't think of this movie without cracking up everytime.

5) She's the Man. This movie is funny. One of my favorite things for movies! This movie does have a weird story line, but that is what makes it good.

Those are my Top 5 Favorite Movies.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When I grow Up...2

When I grow up I want to be an O.B. nurse. I will have to finish High School, and then go on to college. I would have to complete 4 years of college before I could go to Medical School.
Admission to medical school in the United States is based mainly on GPA, MCAT score, admissions essay, interviews, and volunteering activities, alog with research and leadership roles in applicant's history (Wikipedia). These are all tings that I would have to do to be able to get accepted to Medical School. There are more things that can effect your admission into Medical School.
I hope to get Scholarships so I can pay for Medical School, and College in general. I hope to complete Medical School quickly so I could start working as an O.B. nurse. I want to work in a small hospital.
I want a large family. I want to marry a good man, with a good job so he could support me and my family. I want to have 6-8 kids. I want to work when I don't have kids, and then when my kids are in school. I would love to live in Australia, but I will most likely end up living somewhere in Utah.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

When I grow up...

When I grow up I want to be   an O.B. nurse. I will have to finish High School, and then go on to college. I would have to complete 4 years of college before I could go to Medical School. 
Admission to medical school in the United States is based mainly on GPA, MCAT score, admissions essay, interviews, and volunteering activities, along with research and leadership roles in an applicant's history (Wiikipedia). These are all the things that I would have to do to be able to get accepted to Medical School. There are more things that can effect your admission into Medical School.
I hope to get Scholarships so I can pay for Medical School. I hope to complete Medical School Quickly so I could start working as an O.B. nurse. I want to work in a small hospital.